Sunday, October 01, 2006

A year ago....

A year ago on this day, Z fractured his left arm while running in the house. He was crying very badly coz he can't lift up his hand. When we arrived at the hospital, he was alright, forgot the pain and was running everywhere.

Doctor said it was a hairline fracture. We were worried but the the doctor assured us that he will recover faster than adult.

A week later, we went back to the hospital to change the cast and checkup. When we were there, we didn't see anyone as young as him having a cast. He was only 22 months old. We felt guilty..... We didn't think that we did a good job taking of him, hence the injury.... When he was removing his cast, there was this boy who refused to do it. I was so proud of Z, he was not afraid at all. The nurse tried to turn him away when he was trying to 'saw' the cast but he insisted on watching.

Before his injury, he used to do things with his left hand but now he uses his right hand more. Till today, whenever I'm holding his left hand, I'm more cautious, worried that I may hurt him though the doctor has certified that he has fully recovered.


Angeline said...

Oh dear! Its terrible for such a young kid, he probably couldn't express his pain that well also right? other than purely crying all the heart ache....

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