Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How He says Please...

I believe good manners should starts young and I have recently taught Beanie how to say 'please' and '谢谢'.  Why I taught him to say '谢谢' instead of 'Thank you'?  Obviously it is easier it in Mandarin.  He tries to say it (babbles) and nodding his head at the same time.  So cute!

Here's a video of Beanie's conversation with his sister, L.   Love the way they 'talk' to each other!  L is a very sweet 姐姐.  She takes very good care of her brothers. 

I have plenty of video clips of my kids together and I am sure they will have lots of fun watching them when they are grown ups.  During my younger days, we don't have such things to record down all these wonderful moments so I don't want my kids to miss out any of their growing up life.

Hope you enjoy the video as much as we do. 

L is not in the video but you can hear her.  Now that she is older, I try to post less of her pics and video clips in the blog.  But that doesn't mean I have less pic or video clips of my princess.


Aces Family said...

Hi LZmommy,

Yes,L has always been a sensible girl and i know she will be a role model for the 2 brothers.


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