Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Bento #209

In the boxes: Brown rice, quail eggs, stir fry veggie, sliced pork, champagne grapes & raspberries.

This is my Z's lunch bento and I like what I prepared today!  My family think so too! Yeah!  I bought this bento stuff (not sure what you call that) to make different shapes for quail eggs and I used it for the first time. Thanks to Beanie (again).  Maybe I should ask him to ransack my kitchen more often.  Hehe...

Z finished everything in the box, including veggie.  Hmm.... Cute bento does help I think.


While I was preparing bento, Beanie passed me the bento bag! He knew what I need and where to take it from!  Bravo my boy!  He is one of my little helper now that we don't have a helper.


Angie said...

NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bento bk standard!!!

Angeline said...

Your creativity skills is reaching the heavens already! Even Allan also agree...
Seriously, ever thought of coming out with a book to teach how to prepare such Awesome bentos?!

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