LZ's Latest Ambitions
Kids' ambitions change all the time. I agree.
Recently, L was asked to write a short Chinese compo (for oral exams) what she would like to be when she grows up. I almost faint when she asked me how to write MODEL in Chinese! Aiyo... She is only 7+ right? I'm sure her ambition will change again. She wanted to be a doctor, a school teacher then it changed to dance teacher.
Her reason being a model? Can wear pretty clothes and walk on the runway. Blame it on me! I have been watching Project Runway with her. How come she never think of being a designer then?
When she used to tell me she wants to be a doc or a teacher, I always tell her "then you must study hard" but now she wants to be a model, I don't think I can say that right? I told her the life span of being a model is very short and that cannot be a long term career. So she changed and says she wants to be a teacher again.
When Z told me what he wants to be, I almost faint too!He wants to be a SCIENTIST! I asked him why and he said he want to do cloning!
Huh? Cloning? Wah! Very BIG ambition! He said he wants to clone Cloudy, his pet hamster. Anyway, Z's ambition changed many times. He wanted to be a footballer, firefighter, policeman.... I can't imagine what he wants to be next.
I think it is fun to ask them every now and then what they want to be. LZ and I had fun talking about their ambitions. Have you ask your child lately what they want to be?
Faint? Mine once said she wanted to sell Fish ball noodle. That I faint.
My boys wanna be pilot. I told them they have to take good care of their eyes than cos pilot need to have good eyesight for perfect judgement :)
Wahaha...they certainly changed their mind very fast...so cute hor? My Damien, one minute he wants to be firefighter, then policeman..recently he said he wants to be a superhero??!!!
My to-be-4yo just told me last night that she wanted to be a firefighter, haha! Apparently her teacher is teaching about firefighters this week :)
er... must study hard even though you wanna be a model. or else you'll be a bimbo. hohoho... no no.
my boys's ambition haven't change for a while now, ever since they told me they want to be "Papa"
oh my joash ambition has not changed since he started hv an ambition, that is to be a worship leader!!
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