What Was He Doing?
Baby Z was enjoying his 'drumlet' and watching TV at the same time!
Don't be deceived by his frowning face, he is definitely enjoying it. I had to use a hanky to dry his hand after 15 mins and the TV kept him entertained during that time!
Wow, your little boy is soooo cute :D
has the 'frowning' becomes his style, hahaha....cutie boy!!
Can imagine how tasty his drumlet is...Mine doesn't get to taste hers yet...still bound in mittens. babies love to frown don't they?
wah, enjoying kai pei & tv - best combination! i actually dont recall my son sucking his thumb or hand or anything. hmm...
i am sure it is "fist licking good"!. hahaha~~
Haha he look so cute enjoying his fist.
hi LZmommy,
Is he watching a cooking show..haha.
He's really so cute...: )
aiyo! he's so cute!
Too cute! I like how ZJ hold his the other hand for a good mouthing... ahh, I love baby!! :)
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