ZJ @ 3 Months & Checkup
I brought ZJ to the PD for his 3 months old checkup and 6-in-1 jab. To be honest, I was very nervous about this checkup.... I wondered if he puts on enough weight, he only gained 200+g for his 6 weeks checkup. I heaved a sign of relief
when the nurse said "Wow! Very good! This time he puts on 2kg!" But I am still not sure if that is enough...
Doc was very satisfied that ZJ puts on 2 kg and told me he is following the chart now. Phew! Doc did the rest of the checks and told me he is doing very well. I told Doc of my concern that he poos only every 3 to 4 days, unlike LZ, they pooed everyday. He assured me that is normal for some BF babies (but I BF LZ too, how come different?
). Another thing that I mentioned to doc was his fart was very smelly! I wondered if it is because I eat mango almost everyday (heaty). Doc smiled and said it is ok and it may be due to what I eat.
I told Doc that ZJ slept through the night for the past 1 week and asked him if I should wake him up. Doc said as long as he is drinking well during the day.
Height: 62cm
Weight: 5.6kg
Head Cir: 40.5cm
When I went home, I compared my 3 kids health books. At 3 months, L was the tallest, followed by ZJ then Z. Maybe ZJ will be taller than gorgor. Weight wise, L was the heaviest! She was such a chubby girl then.
I still pump out my milk for him at times coz I need to know how much is he drinking and if he is getting enough.
@ 3 months:
-He drinks 5 to 6 oz of milk. 2 bottles in a day and the rest of the time I feed him direct, if I have extra EBM, then he will not take formula
- He likes to pull his clothes
- He can sit quietly in the car nowadays. No more stressful driving for me.
- He is beginning to enjoy his little toy that I hang in front of his car seat, using his hand and legs to touch it
- when he want someone to talk to him, he will stare at the person till he/she looks at him or sometimes he will makes sound to attract our attention
- he watches TV! It can keeps him occupy for at 15 mins
- Nowadays, he can play on his own for quite some time and enjoys his musical mobile on his bed. Longest was 45 mins.
- Most of the time, he sleeps through the night. He sleeps abt 9+pm and wakes up at 6 or 7+am. Because of that, he sometimes skips his morning nap and nap twice in the afternoon.
- He enjoys tummy time
- He enjoys sitting on the sofa
- It is easier to get him to smile nowadays when I take pic for him
- He seems to enjoys reading time. Jiejie, Gorgor and I will take turns to read to him and he likes to look at the books too.
don't worry Jane, ZJ is growing so well! I can even see his double chin..hehe.. :)
Wow, he is already sleeping thru!! Good! I'm still waiting for my botak to sleep thru...wonder when will that happen... ;)
You are indeed very lucky. Sleeping throughout!!! My little one's most active from 9-12 midnite...and yours is already in slumber...
So glad to see him putting on weights...and so lucky of him to have jiejie and korkor to read to him at a very young age. Keep up the good work, mummy!
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