Parent- Teacher Session
I was sooo disappointed that LZdaddy has to fly off this week and needless to say, L was disappointed too. He missed ZJ's checkup, Z's hand was swollen and today's Parent-Teacher session cum Collection of L's report book. I had a few sleepless night.... ZJ didn't sleep well after his jab, plus the fever and he woke up middle of the night for 2 nights (he has been sleeping through the night)! I think he misses LZdaddy too.
I brought my 2 boys along with my helper to collect L's report book. We were 10mins early but we had to wait almost half hour for the 15 mins chat. If I have known earlier, I wouldn't go so earlier. ZJ was hungry while waiting and I had to breastfeed him outside the classroom. While I was feeding, this man came with his son and stand in front of me! I mean I already tried to be discreet. I pulled the chair to a corner with a blanket covering ZJ and he and his son chose to stand in front of me!
He didn't face me but once in a while he turned and looked at us! I was fuming mad and "signal" to my helper to help me bring the chair back. Guess what? He walked away after that! Arrrgghhhh!
Anyway, back to the topic of this post. L's form teacher, Ms Liang told me L has improved, in term of her behavior, she knows when is the right time to talk. She used to talk so much in class! Teacher commented that she is very well mannered, saying please & thank you whenever she should. She also said that L's Chinese teacher and she like to ask L to read out loud for the class. They said she her reading is good, that is loud and clear and very expressive. That I must say I agree. That is how she read to ZJ too.
As for academic, her results has dropped a little, though she still scored Band 1 for all subjects. Her standing in class is 9th and last year she was 5th. I expected it... Who to blame? Me lor... Honestly, I didn't do as much with her compared to last year. Most of the time, I asked L to do self study. I think she would have done better if I had put in more effort with her. Sorry Sweetie... Mommy will put in more effort with you ok?
Ms Liang told me she has high expectation of L. She likes to 'pressure' L coz she knows L can do better than this. I am very happy that her teacher thinks so highly of her.
This year is a very important year for my girl. Whether she can go to the best class next year depends on her SA2 result. Ms Liang and I talked about this too. There would be only one best class of 40 students, unless the results is overwhelming, then the school may consider to have 2 classes. Based on the SA1 result, L stands at 33th place among 200+ students. Like I said earlier, teacher has high expectation of L and she hopes L will go to the best class. Of coz we hope so too. We cannot be complacent just because of the standing coz all children will try their best.
I talked to some parents, who's kids were in the best class, they said the teacher are better and more committed. How true is this? I don't know.... But looking at the how irresponsible or the 'bo çhap' attitude of the teacher in the weaker class, I may have to agree. How come I know that class is weaker? One of the mommies told me so coz her son is in that class. Before they start P1, the children went for a 'interview'. From there, those who is weaker, or can't read will be place in that class. They are placed in that class so that the teacher can teach than accordingly. I am not sure how true this is but it is what the mommy said (she is very active in school).
Am I giving too much stress to L? I don't think so and I hope not... L is a very competitive girl. Take last year SA1, she thrived to get better result after that and she did very well for SA2. She set target for herself and she hit it! For this SA1, she asked me to set a target for her and I told her I hope she will score Band 1 for all subject and she did it! Sweetie, Mommy loves your positive attitude! Hope you will do better for SA2 and mommy will put in more effort to help you.
Well done, L! I'm sure she will strive to do better next term..:) And Jane, don't blame yourself ya, you're already doing a great job!! :)
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