Sunday, February 19, 2006

16 FEB 2006, THURSDAY, Botanical Garden

We went to botanical garden... They have fun running up the slopes, teachers telling them stories, picnic... etc.

Picking things for art & craft....
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L trying to take measurement for the tree....
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Feel the texture of the tree...
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Looking at waterliles....
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Z trying to help clean up the garden....
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17 FEB 2006 I'm Sorry Sweetie

Oops! Today L complained that lately I've not been spending time with her. I felt so BAD.... Z has been sick and I've been taking care of him that I neglected her. I'm sorry...
Oh no! She started having fever at 9+pm, fed her fever medicine and daddy brought to the doc.

16 FEB 2006 ~~Oops! , 1.... 10~~

Z poo poo afer dinner, didn't want to waste another diaper and also thought of toilet train him, so washed up for him and put on underwear for him. Was telling Z that he'll be wearing "panty" and he need to tell me when he wants to pass urine.L immediately said "Mommy, boys don't wear panty, they wear underwear!" Aiyo, I was corrected by my girl!

Z said 1 yo 10 in english befor bedtime. But he can't say 7 properly, so he just mumble when come to 7.

08 FEB 2006 . ~123...10~

I'm so happy today! Z said 1 to 10 in mandarin on his own without any help! He has been trying lately and he finally did it! Hurray to my boy!!


They celebrated their birthdays on 11th Dec 2005 at the Animal Resort. Ya, I know... A very late post. But better than never right? We invited most of their classmates and the kids enjoyed very much. L had a barbie doll cake and Z had a Elmo(they chose their favourites). We did longkang fishing, animal feeding, watch dog grooming, bouncer, piniatas, etc... I did not plan any games as they had lots of things that they can do. If you have time, you should check out this place The Animal Resort, Seletar West Farmway 5. It's a great place for the family.

East Coast Beach

A day at the beach.... We love to go to the beach during weekends. I usually prepare our dinner(pasta or something) and have it at the beach. Coz by the time we get home, our babies will be very tired.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

My Angels - L & Z

My Angels...They brought lots of happiness to us..

I've been writing diary for them since the day they were born. So when I found out that my beloved cousin, Fonia(she is in Italy now) has a blog too, I decided to do one for them too. It's better coz I can put their videos & pics in it.

Thanks, Fonia and Cousin Nicholas for helping out!

Hello to my babies' world

Hi everyone,
Welcome to my babies world! My girl is born in 12 Dec 2001 and my boy is 12 Dec 2003. Yes there they are born on the same day!

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