Friday, March 25, 2011

Beanie Checkup & 25 Months Update

21st March

Terrible me! I forgot all about Beanie's checkup for 2 yr old and jabs too! Everything is fine with him, he's growing well and is still on the 90 percentile. My brave little boy frown a little when he was given jabs.

Height: 90.5cm
Weight: 14.8kg
Head Cir: 51cm

@ 25 Months Old

Now that he is 2 yr old, I have started sending him to his naughty corner. For instance, once he hit his brother because he was angry, I sent him to the corner. I explained to him what did he was wrong. After 2 mins, I asked him what did he do wrong. He told me "bean bean beat gorgor." He knew he can only come out of his naughty corner when he admit that he was wrong. I told him to apologise to Z and hug him. He did as he was told.

It was not tough to teach him what's a naughty corner. When he was sent to the naughty corner for the for the first time, I told him what he did was wrong, that's why mommy sent him there to 'reflect' (I used simple words to explain to him). He didn't come out of the corner at all! I was surprised! Since then, I have no problem using the naughty corner for him. I would say he is one that takes instructions well, not only at home in school as well (that's what the teachers told me).

Remember my little one likes to doodle? This afternoon he drew this! And he said "Mama, Look! Apple!" Proud of him! At 2 yr old, he drew this and able to tell me what it was!

He is getting heavier each day.... I'm gonna miss carrying him in the carrier.. Love the way he 'hide' himself and wants me to cuddle him as we walk.

♥ Little one is able to relate to me what happen to him. For instance, the other day (5 Mar) he knocked his head and he told me "mama, bean bean pain knock." It may not be a complete sentence but that's a good start.

♥ He's beginning to say more 2 syllabus words now, the new word is 'Percy'.

♥ He was down with flu & cough on 7th March. Surprisingly, he is willing take medicine! I'm very happy that I do not have to 'force' him anymore.
♥ He puts on training pants for the FIRST time on 12 March. Not too bad for the first day, he peed in school toilet and for that past few days, he peed in the toilet at home. Not sure if he's ready coz he doesn't tell me. Every hour or so I ask him. He managed to stay dry for quite a while and only wet it when he's napping.


Angeline said...

Aaawww... such a big boy now! Mommy, you have taught him well... *Thumbs Up*

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