Trip To The Gym
Z went to "My Gym" for the field trip.... It was similar to Tumble Tots which he used to attend. He was very clingy to me during the class which I quite like it. ;) Of coz sometimes I wished that he will not behave like this.
Z went to "My Gym" for the field trip.... It was similar to Tumble Tots which he used to attend. He was very clingy to me during the class which I quite like it. ;) Of coz sometimes I wished that he will not behave like this.
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Labels: Field Trips, Scrapbooking, Sport Fun, Z/Gorgor
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Labels: Art N Crafts
Have been thinking what to do for the teacher's day since I read Jan's blog.... Decided to go to Popular to have a look and "ransack" our craft box then decide what to do.
Finally bought some crepe (tissue) papers and decided to use construction papers to make cards with pic on it. Started doing it this afternoon with the kids when they were feeling better. Both were very excited when they knew that we were going to do art & craft again.
It's a very simple card. What u need:
My children tore the crepe papers and roll it or whatever and let them paste it. Before that, they have decided what colours to use for different parts.
This is one of the 8 cards we need to do! We completed only one coz L & Z took a long time to decide what they want to draw. Of coz daddy was the artist! Will upload the photos of all the cards once we completed. Hopefully we can complete in time to give the teachers on Thursday. ;)
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Labels: Art N Crafts
Both L & Z have running nose and cough :( Went to see doc this evening and gd thing is that both don't have fever and Doctor said they have a mild virus. They always like the visit to our family doctor coz he gives them vitamins which they thought it was sweet and sticks which our doc like to make things like boomerang.
I'm glad that their appetite were OK and they were running around the house. Hopefully they will recover by Monday.
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Labels: L Z
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Labels: Art N Crafts, L/Jiejie
It was Grandparents Day..... The school invited all grandparents to visit the school and they have a small celebration. My parents were very happy that they can go to their school again (they had the celebration last yr too) but my mother in law was unable to go :(
According to my mum, they arrived at the scool at 0915hr. The teachers gave them a warm welcome and chat with them. She said that L & Z were very excited to see them and were hugging them and telling their teachers that they are their gong gong and por por.
The children did a performance for all grandparents. My mum also told me that L enjoyed during the performance but Z was not very keen in doing it.
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Had dinner with our friends this evening....
Javier & Leonard are soooo cute! During dinner, Javier were smiling and having fun playing with L & Z. Leonard wanted to play with them but he does not how to walk yet so he kept asking the maid to follow them around.
L & Z had lots of fun running around the place and they enjoyed playing peek-a-boo with Javier. As for the adults, we enjoyed too, yaking throughout the dinner!
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Labels: Outings
L went to zoo again, school's field trip. They went for the Behind-The-Scenes tour .This tour takes you to the breeding complex of Fragile
Forest. Discover how they breed and maintain butterflies, scorpions, stick
insects, and other invertebrates for display. Get to know the Creepy Crawlies,
pet a stick insect and a hissing cockroach.
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Labels: Field Trips, L/Jiejie
This morning when I came out from my room, I saw L drawing a pic. I asked her why she was drawing when she was supposed to get ready for school. She said that she would like to bring a pic for her show & tell session. She asked us to help her with the spelling. I was surprised at what she has done and the idea was definitely not from me. She told me that she saw how it was done while watching a VCD at por por's hse.
The bird was actually her hand print. Think she said it was a peacock. Hmmmm.... Will have to check with her tonight. The black thing on top is a crow and she drew a sun at the corner. Look a the feet that she drew, so cute! :0
To us, it was a beautiful pic.
L told me this evening it was a turkey! :) When she came home, she told me she wants to make a hat for her next show & tell. Huh? Got to crack my brain.... Who knows? Maybe she will change her mind then. ;)
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Labels: Art N Crafts, L/Jiejie
The other day I read an article regarding telling your child abt your job. It was an interview with a career coach (unfortunately DH threw the newspaper away). He said that when he was a young, he did not know what his dad did at work. What he knew was only his job tittle. He encouraged parents to talk to their children abt what do they do at work. For example, if he is a pilot, what educational qualification he needs, physical requirements and rigorious training that he would have to undergo before he can become one. You don have to talk to them abt your job only. A good starting point would be the neighbours or the ppl we come into contact with. I think that's a gd idea. They will know ther's alot of jobs out there besides being a doctor, police chef & firefighter. :)
I'm glad that I've told L what does mommy do at work and daddy tried to explain too. I showed her pics that were taken at work so that she can understands better. Z is trying to understand it too. She also understands it not easy earning money and why sometimes we are very tired when we get home. She will says things like," mommy, did the children behave themselves like I did?" :)
The coach said it does not matter if your child changes his mind abt what he wants to do. The purpose of the exercise is to expose him/her to the plethora of job opportunities out there. When your child grows up and is preparing to enter the job market, he will have a richer perspective of the job opportunities.
Right now, L's ambition is to be a doctor. Sometimes she wants to be a surgeon, a gynae, a PD and a VET ( thanks to us telling her there are different types of doctors! Hehehe... ) What abt Z? He wants to be a firefighter. After his shower, he likes to pretend that he is a firefighter and use the shower head to spray everywhere. Gagaga....
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Just changed my Blog I like it coz it allows me to categorize all my postings and u don't have know html or css. It allows u to change the appearance of your blog etc... At this moment u can't change the template to the one u like, so hope that I don't have to wait too long.
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Labels: Others
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Labels: Family, L Z, Toys/games
We decided to go for dim sum again today. After the meal, we went to the zoo and my babies dozed off in the car. They had renovated some part of the zoo since the last time we went. There were a free ranging orang utan area and a picnic area too.
Taking a rest
Recently Z loves the penquin story book so we had to pay them a visit. They were very friendly.
We passed by the ice cream store and they can't resist it.
At th animal farm..... Just in time to watch the show.
L & Z said that the next time when we go, they want to visit the animals at the farm again. They enjoyed most at the farm. The animals were very friendly and if you stand in front of their area, they will walk toward you.
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Labels: Outings
We had a quiet day at home.... Watched the national parade on tv and telling my children what was going on. L remembered some of the songs that they sang and so both started dancing.
When the airplanes flew passed our house, they were jumping up & down, waving at them and shouting "Happy Birthday Singapore!" When the fireworks started, both were so happy! They like to watch the fireworks but daddy not very keen to bring them to Marina Bay to watch it. saying it will be very pack. Haiz.... Gd thing is that we can see it from our house.
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Labels: Birthdays
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Labels: School
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Labels: Favourite food, L Z, Scrapbooking
We did yummy Holicks Doggie Cookies in the afternoon. Too bad daddy was working this afternoon, otherwise it will be more fun..... This recipe doesn't use egg and sugar. L & Z love it! They were munching the koko crunch while doing it.
We put more than 3 choc chips into each dough (we like it sweeter).
When they woke from their nap, they watched tv and munched their cookies...
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Labels: Favourite food, In The Kitchen, Recipes
Check out this 2 sites, they have games and wallpapers! Movies that will be showing:
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Labels: Tips/Info