4th January 2011
We have finally decided to send
Beanie to half day childcare after much thought. We do not have a helper so I have to do everything on my own unless
LZdaddy is in town to help me out. With him in school for that few hours, I will be able to get some chores done, cook lunch for my 2 older babies and if possible, some ME time.

I'm sure he will enjoy, meeting new friends and learning too.
Clockwise: Checking out what I put in his school bag, playing with toys, music time, playing animal toys with teacher, Chinese story telling time &playing with train tracks, .
For the past week or so, I have been telling about school, not sure how much he has absorbed though... He was excited about having a school bag & uniform, just like
LZ. The Bob school bag was
Z's which he hardly used it and since he likes Bob,
Z gave the bag to his brother.
How sweet! 
Anyway, I doubt he cares if it isn't new, as long as it is Bob!
He was very enthusiastic this morning when getting ready for school. He was fine when we arrived at school but was very shy to play at the playground. He slowly warmed up when they were back in the classroom. BUT every few minutes (
or less) he will turn around to make sure that I'm there. Think he is going to be like
Z, cries the moment I leave.
L, on the other hand, happily waved goodbye to me on the first day when they were at this age!

One thing I noticed was that he was quietly observing what was the rest doing.
For the first few days, they will not be doing any curriculum. Kids will get to know their teachers and the environment. There were only 4 of them in the class for now and more kids will join in after each month.
So far so good for the first day of school!

I'm proud of my little boy! He didn't cry at all! He helped the teacher carried toys, the only child that sit throughout for music time & Chinese story time.

The other 3 kids were either crying or clinging to their mummies.. Well done my little boy!
5th January 2011
Yesterday was the back to school for my
LZ. Both of them have new teachers except for their form teacher, remained the same. The difference between my
LZ is that
L looked forward to school reopens and
Z hoped school holidays never ends.
L promised me she will talk less in class and I really hope so..

Think I'm so used to teachers telling me my gal talked too much. She is showing concerns for PSLE, which will happens only 2 years later and has been asking me which secondary schools are good. I'm happy she knows how important it is but at the same time hope she doesn't stress too much. Very contradicting huh?
Z was happy to 'announce' that he was selected as assistant monitor for this term & will be monitor for next term. He hoped that the boy that bullied him last year has learnt his lesson and be good. I thought that was very nice of my
Z to think of that instead of dislike him.
Think I did not mention it at all. Last year,
Z was bullied by a boy for a long time and every week he has to upset

He either kicked his bag, take his things, shoved him etc... We have complained to teacher but seemed like the boy was not afraid at all. The final straw was when he punched
Z on the face.

We 'threatened' to make it a police case if nothing is done.
As for
Beanie on the second day, think I speak too soon... Everything went on quite smoothly initially, he ride on the tricycle and at times, observed what the rest was doing. He was quite comfortable with the Chinese teacher and followed her during outdoor play time. Then after half hour or so, parents were asked to leave.
Beanie cried the moment he saw me walking out. I was upset too. From my past experiences with
LZ, I thought it was better for us to let our kids know that we are leaving and will be back later to pick them up. Haiz...
Anyway, I'm sure he will enjoys going to school, it's a matter of time and getting used to it. If not, I will be happy to have him at home with me.