Till now, I have to pinch myself to know this was real!
Z represented the school for his
FIRST chess competition - 52nd National Inter-School Team Chess Championship 2011! He was nervous & excited and so am I! At least he managed to sleep early but not for me. I was worried what if he didn't get any point for the team at all? Or worst, he didn't win any game at all? How would he feel?

Many thoughts ran through my mind...
He left early this morning for school as the school has arranged transport for the 2 teams. I met him at the school where the competition was held. The school teams was in an upbeat mood when I saw them. A few of us mommies went along to support the kids. I wanted to be there for
Z, to give him moral support.

My friend, Michelle told me it was important for us to be there, to cheer for them and give my boy moral support.
With his team A members.
The school sent 2 teams for the competition, with team A as the so called
"attacking" (main team) team
(I think, coz I was too tired to remember what I was told) and the team B as the "exploring" team.
Z was honored to be in
team A and was supposed to be in board 4. It has been quite some time since the school is involved in chess competition.
With both teams, teacher & Mr Philip Chan
The teams were
demoralised after losing 1 round... I was glad I was one of the mommies there to cheer for them. 2rd round...
Z was one of the first to finish the game and when he came out, this cheeky boy of mine gave me a sad look and a thumbs down. I thought he lost the game again but.... He told me he
draw the game!
Yay! My boy scored the first
1/2 point for the school! Sadly, the rest of them lost the games. But with the 1/2 point, it was a great booster for the kids. The kids were
'lectured' by their coach/boss, Philip and with the lecture in mind, the kids did much better with the subsequent rounds.
Thanks Michelle, for the 3 lovely pics above of my boy. Very happy to see him focusing on the games.
My boy waiting for his opponent...
Overall, I think the kids did quite well as this is a first competition for most of them. They faced tough fights against some well known school teams, to be able to stay calm and tried their best to compete in the games. Even though we were not one of the top 10 on the list, I was very happy to see the school team A slowly going up the ladder
(think final result they were in the middle).
Well done boys and of coz not forgetting the only girl in the teams!
★ 1st round (board 4),
Z played against Nan Yang primary team A -
★ 2nd round (board 4), against Kheng Cheng primary -
★ 3rd round (board 3), against Nan Hua -
★ 4th round (board 3), against Tao Nan team B -
★ 5th round (board 4), against Nan Hua team A -
★ 6th round (board 3), against Maris Stella High -
After 6 rounds and out of 130 kids played U9.
Z was ranked 50th
(by points) & 56th
(by percentage)! It may means nothing but just wanted to record it for my boy. Proud that he scored the most for the team.
Philip is quite satisfied with
Z's result. He said
Z could have better result if he was more focus and not fooled around so much. For us, we are overjoyed and we thought he did pretty well for his first competition and at least he didn't get 0 point.
Hehe... Well done Rascal!
We are sooooo PROUD of YOU!