Saturday, May 06, 2006

I Love Drawing - L

"Mommy! Can I have more papers pls?" That's what L always ask from me whenever we are doing nothing at home. She enjoys it.... She probably follows her daddy. BS draws very well, I remembered once when I did a cooking session for L's class, he draws out the steps in details.

I asked her if she would like to join an art class but she prefers to dance. Have been looking around for jazz ballet classes but timing doesn't fit with my schedule.

Don't you think her cat look sooo cute?

She told me she wants a very big house (or apartment?)! She explained to me who/what is in each level. She loves swimming, therefore there's a pool next to our house. She has never taken a ride in a hotair balloon so she drew it to "hint" to me.

I'm really happy that whenever she draws a pic, she always explains to me what is in the pic and why she draws it.


Anonymous said...

wow, your kids can draw and colour and paint so well....

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