Tuesday, December 04, 2007

School Out, Games In

It has been a few weeks since school holiday started.... I have been very relaxed :) No morning rush and we don''t have to rush for their classes. They don't have to walk under the hot sun everyday :)

LZ and me have been enjoying at home and sometimes we go out for a walk. Reading their books, doing homework as and when I asked them to. Playing board games, silly games, toys etc... They are so free to the extend that they even choreograph a mini dance for daddy to watch after he came home from work. I wanted to bring them to the library but we have too many books at home. Thanks to all the Uncles & Aunties for handing down may good books to LZ :)

What kind of games have we been playing? Besides these games (found under the label, games), we play Speller Jr, Topple, Monopoly, Uno Stacko and matching cards games too. They also play with their computer games.

When school holidays over, I won't have such luxury.... So do LZ... So let us enjoy as much as we can and also relax as much as we can :) I told LZdaddy I intend to spring clean the house but now, I think that can wait for a little while more :)


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