Friday, May 21, 2010

Chess - Z

Z completed his Beginner Chess CourseYeah!  He was very happy and so was I!

This was something that he wanted to do (when he goes to Primary) since he was in kindergarten and his wish came true. He told me he enjoyed the course throughout.  But I wonder why there isn't any forms for  the next level?

Update:  My boy forgotten about the form to join the next level!  Anyway, we won't be able to send him to school for that on Saturday.  He said it's ok and he enjoys teaching jiejie and play chess with her.   I am still hoping to find a place (near my place) to teach him the next level.  It is such a waste to stop when he has passion for it. 


MomsyWorld said...

playing chess is a very good hobby! Z must be such a patient kid and a good analyst too :)

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