He Is 1 Month Old! :)
Beanie is ONE month old! It seems like it was just few days ago I gave birth to him. Time passes real FAST! We had a small celebration for him today... Early in the morning, my confinement nanny trimmed his hair and nails. LZdaddy bought the kuehs and a cake and my nanny prepared some red coloured eggs.
I would say this 1 month has been been that easy for me though I have a confinement nanny and a helper. I have to teach LZ, spend quality time with them and BF(breastfeed) Beanie directly coz I didn't pump out (he has problem latching on after that).
Honestly, Beanie is not easy to take care of..... Few days after coming back from hospital, he wants to be carried all the time. No, we did not carry him all the time. In fact, we place him on the bed as soon as I finish feeding him. He takes an hour to feed coz he dozes off many times while drinking and I have to constantly wake him up. If he sleeps without drinking much, he will wakes up midway through his nap. We even tried using pacifier but he didn't want it.
Some family members who came to visit during this time commented that Beanie is very skinny.... That makes me very sad. I wonder if I have enough milk.....
But if I don't have enough milk, he wouldn't be pooing many times right? Many times I was so tempted to feed him powdered milk but I didn't. I will wait till next checkup to see if I should. Some told me Beanie is skinny coz he doesn't nap much and if I am lucky, he naps for 3 hours straight. My nanny commented that he is 2nd baby she takes care of that hardly sleeps.
LZ have been wonderful to their little brother. When he cries, they talk to him and try to pacify him. When they come home from school or enrichment classes, they would say hello to him first.
I think I am lucky to get this nanny... Apart from taking care of Beanie and me, she spend time with LZ so I can take my nap. She draws pics with them, play with them and LZ 's Mandarin have improved tremendously!
I am worried... How am I going to cope with 3 kids? Beanie constantly needs my attention and I have to be fair to LZ... I have to fetch them from school too. Taking about that, I want to say a BIG Thank You to Pauline & Angeline for sending LZ home after school during this period. Pauline even offered to fetch L for another 2 weeks so I can settle into my routine. I would also like to thank Emily too for sending LZ to their enrichment classes and Teni for helping out when my friend couldn't make it.
LZdaddy said he will help me pick LZ for the first few days and then I will be on my own. I will have to bring Beanie along when I fetch them coz I don't trust leaving Beanie with my new helper. I hope I will be able to cope and hopefully Beanie will be able to drink more and sleep more.

Hi LZmommy,
Are LZ schools far from home? If not, trained helper to fetch them.
Reason being you need to look after Beanie and to run up & down with Beanie is very taxing, for you & beanie. Especially now he's still so small.
I saw mommy carrying younger child to wait for old brother/sister at schoo gate, very poor thing, especially when it rains or sun is unbearable...: (
Don't tired yourself out as the journey ahead is still very long.
Happy one month to beanie and may he grow stronger each day..: )
take care,
When I saw the title, I was shouting in my head "So fast???!!" time don't fly, does it? Time ZOOM and Whoooshhh!!!
What I really dislike during breastfeeding is the comments from others... don't let it affect you. YOU HAVE ENOUGH MILK! YOU HAVE! Binbin was skinny in the first month too. But when it comes to end of second month, he was HUGE!!! HUGE!!! for a 2nd-3rd month old baby.
so don't worry ok?! *smile*
oh girl, you are super mommy remember? and most importantly you have LZ, very understanding children, so you'll cope well, you will!
*big hugs*
Botak was skinny during his first month too..and I get comments that I don't have enough milk for him..blah blah blah...but Jane, trust yourself, you WILL have enough milk for beanie..and you'll be amazed at how he grows the following months! Jia You! :)
Don't tire yourself out, like what Astee said, try to train your helper to pick LZ, it's really no fun bringing a baby along...sometimes I really hope someone else can help me take care of botak while I go fetch Damien.. ;)
so fast fullmoon d! it feels like just a few days to me too. anyway..Happy One Mth old Beanie. :D
my no.3 is also very cling, didnt sleep at night but naps in the afternoon and skinny. as long as they are pooping and pu-ing and healthy, no worries ya. :)
if God bless you with 3, He knows you can handle them. ask Him how to. :)
Make no hear, no see on ppl comments. Ppl mouth can't tends to shut up when they envy on you. My DH colleagues commented Myra very small during her 1st mth too, actually this colleague herself has 2 girls which is short and small size too. As I said they don't see their weakness and yet to comment ppl, sigh la..
I hv a mixture of breastmilk and formula milk for Myra, fr birth till now and there is no problem at all. I don't want to stress myself to far coz if I have not enough rest then my bm will low too.
I also bring along Myra during her 2mths old when fetching Sasha fr Kindy. Is really tiring carrying Myra coz Sasha kindy is inside the clubhouse. I need to walk a certain distance too but now already use to it. Just take more rest and everything will goes smooth..:)
wow! time flies! little beanie is one month old already, I still thought he is like a few weeks old. hehe...
Happy 1st month old!
LZmommy, please take good care of yourself.
Hey Jane, take care.....slowly u will adjust. Initially I find it tough too when JB was still so small. But u will be surprised, time flies by very fast ;-)
Wa...so fast one month already hor??
Blessed full mth lil beanie. i feel so weird still calling him beanie haha...
u will surely thrive on ur mommy's milk! u will not be skinny becos ur mommy's milk consists of TLC other than just nutrients alone :)
mommy dear, dun stress urself with unnecessary negative thoughts ok. u r super mommy u can do it!! i used to bring joash to fetch JJ too after his full mth, rain or shine. troublesome, yes very, but i have no choice rather than leavg him to maid. u will be fine! anytime u need help, please SHOUT ok! im just an sms away :)
Hi Jane, I agreed with what angeline and eileen said... you HAVE enough milk, if not he won't be pooing so many times and DON'T let other ppl comments affect you... and it is common that they said such things.
Yes, bb will really grow huge and chubby by end of 2nd mth...they just become chubby :-)
No worries ya.
Happy 1st month to Beanie!
Oh my! So fast 1 month old??!! Time really flies...
Happy 1 month old!
ohh... i have been so busy lately that i missed out ur few posts!! happy full month, Beanie!! and he looks quite mature for a 1 mth old kiddy!!!
yes i agree, NEVER leave your toodler or infant alone with your helper. L and Z shd be alright bt NOT beanie.
Happy Full Moon to beanie!! Hope you will do better with yr 3 kids moving on!!
yes, pls never leave yr young bb with the helper/maid, good luck ya!
You are a very blessed lady with a cute baby and 2 understanding kids.
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