Pressies From Beanie

I remembered it was so funny when we were looking at the pressies for them. Z kept asking us to buy the bionicle for him and I told him there's no reason to buy toys and we should spend money wisely. He kept asking me till I gave up and told him to ask his brother.

Z: Mommy, pleaseeeeeee buy this for me!
Me: Why don't you ask your didi to buy it for you?
Z: What? How could he buy for me? He is still in your tummy and he is a baby!
Me: Maybe he will grant you your wish? Perhaps he will tell the angel to get it for you?
Z: Really? OK!
He doubted me but he likes the toy so much that he is willing to give it a try! He step forward and actually whispered to my tummy! How cute!

For L, She mentioned to me long time back she wanted a ballerina musical box and I finally saw one that she can decorate by herself.
Me: Sweetie, mommy needs to get a presents for my girlfriend's daughter. Do you think she will like this? (pointing at the musical box)
I can tell she was disappointed that I wasn't getting it for her.
L: No, I think she will like the other one better.
She pointed something else to me! Hmmm... My girl is jealous!
After opening the pressies the other day (1st day they met Beanie), L said "mommy! you bought this for me!" and Z said "Mommy! Didi really bought these for me!"

I am so glad that both my older babies loves their brother so much, though Z at times does throw a little tantrum to get my attention. I think that's normal right?

They love showing affection for their little brother too. They kiss his forehead, touch his hands and want to carry him... Hmmmm.... I feel so blessed! Having 3 little ones with me and a loving husband whom I almost break his hand when I was delivering Beanie and refused to let go! Hahaha....

Hey, look forward to seeing u again after your confinement !
And yes, seeing Beanie too ;-)
yes! your kids are absolutely lovely! and i am sure beanie will be the same as his gor-gor and jie-jie because they set such good examples for him. :) you are a blessed woman, jane!
Oh my! This sight is sooooo heartwarming... presents, the love, the thought.....superb parenting!!!
Better take whatever rest you can during your confinement!!
Oh, congratulations!
I was on business trip and happy to hear your good news!
Rest well :)
You're indeed very blessed!:) I know your hands must be full now, but I really miss your updates...hehe...
Take care and rest well! :)
I rem I bought 2 toys for Zac when I return home after delivering Amos 3 yrs ago. We are so afraid that he will felt left out while we are busy attending to the little bro. So we bought the present to cheer him up & tell him the present was from his little brother :):)
both LZ looked so happy with their prezzies....i can imagine the thrills!! such a good bonding start.
hv a great weekend ahead!!
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