Saturday, November 25, 2006

Parent - Teacher Session

We had appointment with Z's teachers this afternoon for the PTS. We had to bring them along as nobody can help us look after them. We didn't have much things to ask or talk to them about since we will be leaving the school by end of this year.

Though we are leaving, I must say Z has improved. He talks alot now, The show & tell session has helped him to build up his confidence and he is telling me what he has been doing in school.

"Z has always shown interest in table activities such as puzzles, scooping, stringing and matching. When it comes to activities like those mentioned, he can sit down and repeat it again and again! Z is a likable child who loves the company of others especially when it is time for block play. He likes building and making things. He enjoys water play very much and still looks forward to it. Having show & tell sessions has definitely helped to make him a confident child. Z is willing to learn and he is an explorer. Keep it up, Z"

For his Chinese, Ms J said he is improving and he try to speak to her in Mandarin. He enjoys the music & movement time and even sing with his friends! Hmmm... My boy seldom sing at home nowadays...


LHS said...

Oh, keep on Z..
I'm looking forward to hear Jo sing for me...he seldom sings.

Mamabliss said...

woohoo!!! well done Z!!! ;)

Unknown said...

Well done Z! Qianyi sings at home...but doens't sound like a song, more like talking...haha..very funny.:p

LZmommy said...

Thank you Ladies :) Hope our kids will sing more for us lah :D

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