Friday, May 23, 2008

Chinese Enrichment End Of Term Report - Z

Z's progress report for the term:

听的能力(Listening Ability):
听力测验 - A
听力理解 - A

说的能力(Speaking Ability):
朗读 - B
看图说话 - A

读的能力(Reading Ability) :
1. 认读字卡 - A

写的能力(Writing Ability) :
1. 字迹工整 - B

行为表现 (Behavior) :
1. 尊敬师长 - A
2. 遵守纪律 - A
3. 及时完成作业 - A
4. 认真听讲 - A

评语 (Comment) :

Seems like Z is doing very well for the class. Phew! Every week, he looks forward to the lesson and always ask me to send him to class early so he can have fun before the lesson begin.


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